Sunday, January 19, 2014


In reading the Introduction, chapter 1 and 2 of “Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education” the author brought up some very good points when discussing technology today and in the classroom. I like how he breaks down the steps to network learning in our schools by first identifying the changes that have to be made starting with “understanding the power of PLNs” (Richardson & Mancabelli, 2011, p. 12) . In order to expect our students, or fellow educators, to utilize the technology, we must first be comfortable with the technology and be able to explain and use it ourselves. I know myself I am not as comfortable as I need to be with different technologies, so how can I expect my students to be experts? Even though they are computer literate and have their own devices, this does not necessarily mean they know how to properly use them for educational purposes!! I have found that even thought my students ( and colleges) are all at college level, have taken computer courses, and all use social networking for communication, some don’t have a clue beyond that. Basic knowledge is limited to Facebook, gaming and fun use of the internet, while no time has been spent on how to fully use the internet for what it is worth. Most instructors are the same. Beyond the ability to use PowerPoint and Word they are limited on their computer knowledge and afraid of change. The authors sum up this vary idea in chapter 1 by saying “ We may not all feel comfortable living in a digital world, crating and sharing digital products, but there’s no doubt the world is moving in that direction, and fast” (Richardson & Mancabelli, 2011, p. 16). Even though we are changing the way we function in our daily lives, depending on technology to perform even the simplest of tasks, we don’t utilize it for all its worth and whole heartedly believe we must to move forward with our classrooms. There is so much available to us these days. I for one feel more connected to my classmates online than I ever did in the classroom. Through the use of technology I have been able to get to know my classmates, learn from them, interact and be more open, things I never did in a traditional classroom. Before, I simply went into lecture, took notes, did my homework and repeated weekly, never collaborating or sharing life/classroom experience and definitely not networking online! I feel we owe it to our students to give them the same opportunity so they can grow in their personal and professional lives as well. Chapter 2 discusses several of the technologies I have already grown to love as a lay person but also to love as an educator: Twitter, Diigo, Google, Blogger, and Facebook. Through the use of these tools I have learned to expand and incorporate more technology into my classroom and communicate with people I would have never communicated with before. Richardson, W., & Mancabelli, R. (2011). Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education. Bloomington : Solution Tree Press.


  1. It sounds like you already have a great start to building your Personal Learning Network.

  2. I couldn’t agree with you more. I whole heartily believe that I have learned more from my online class peers than a traditional classroom due to the activities that promote positive collaboration. With that being said, I feel that this same approach would apply to our own classrooms. I really enjoy our book. The simplicity of the vast knowledge is broken down for an easy read with such an involved topic. While researching about PLNs, I came across a new collaborating tool called Flipboard. I’m still exploring this new idea however; it looks like another great resource to include in our PLNs.


  3. After all of the collaboration from these online classes, I don't know how I survived all of the "traditional" classes I took in the past. I am helping my fiance with some of her classes and I am amazed at how confused she is because there is no collaboration or communication.I think we are extremely fortunate to have the classes we do and look forward to finding ways to make my class more accessible for all students.
